INTERREG “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020”
“Shared economy based solutions in cross-border sustainable tourism”
General objective: To boost the product and service development activities of two newly established enterprises within the cross border area of Greece-Bulgaria through engaging in joint economic development actions.
It directly aims at producing new to the companies’ services, related to timesharing – an innovative trend in tourism sector, which will allow them to develop and become competitive thus making it possible to access new markets.
Thus the proposed investment scheme contributes directly to the Programme’s Investment Priority 3d “Supporting the capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to engage in innovation processes for supporting SMEs to grow and expand beyond local markets”.
This will be achieved through development of new services related to timesharing in tourism and increasing the employment by creating new jobs in the cross border area.
Main activities:
- Investments in reconstruction of existing buildings (a guest house) and purchase of vehicle (a yacht) to be used for tourist activity
- Development of new services related to timesharing in tourism
- Increasing the employment by creating new jobs in th cross border area
- Project management
- Project communication and publicity
Target groups:
- Small companies in the tourism sector
Expected results:
- 2 newly established enterprises will receive financial support within the cross border area of Greece-Bulgaria – 1 from Bulgaria and 1 from Greece;
- 3 new employment positions will be created – 1 in Lead Beneficiary enterprise and 2 in Project Beneficiary 2 enterprise;
- 1 sustainable cross-border partnership and 1 innovative business model created. This will be achieved through the following direct results: – 1 existing house reconstructed and ready for timesharing offerings and exploitation (Work Package 2: Building Investment);
- 1 Yacht purchased and the company started to offer charter services, including via timesharing options (Work Package 3: Investment in transport vehicle);
- 1 joint product developed and a tool for online booking and payment developed; products/ services online (Work Package 4: Joint product development);
Lead beneficiary:
Smart Trip Ltd.
Project Beneficiry 2:
SP Sailing Greece M.IKE
Financing programme:
INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme
Project budget:
460 317 EUR
Project duration:
24 months